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Not Just Your Average Onsert

By on February 26th, 2014 in Statements

LKCS has enabled our statement processing clients to incorporate graphical ads, also called onserts, directly onto their statements and e-statements for several years. In today’s Webinar Wednesday episode, our Vice-President of Business Development Sid Haas provides insight on leveraging the power and flexibility of onserts to improve your statement marketing efforts.

LKCS has enabled our statement processing clients to incorporate graphical ads, also called onserts, directly onto their statements and e-statements for several years. However, our onsert technology and statement marketing goes far beyond presenting a graphical ad to all statement recipients. Here is a recap of what makes LKCS’ statement onsert services different.

E-Statements and the Bottom Line

By on October 15th, 2013 in Statements

There is no doubt that your financial institution has been working hard to find new ways of cutting costs. One area that we often advise our customers to look into when trying to limit their expenses is E-Statements. Sending statements can have a significant operational expense, and getting account holders to switch from statements to e-statements can provide large savings on a recurring basis.

Statements Get Personal

By on August 28th, 2013 in Statements

Your account statements contain information about each account that a person has with your institution as well as the balances they carry, the transactions they make, and where they live. So, how are you using this information? LKCS has been helping our clients analyze, and more importantly, take action and use this data for target marketing and cross-sell purposes.

With this announcement from the USPS, it is clear that the postal service recognizes the value of including marketing campaigns with your statements and notices. In fact, according to Paul Vogel, USPS President and Chief Marketing/Sales Officer, “This gives companies expanded opportunities to advertise new services and products to their customers as part of bill and statement mailings.”

At a document strategy conference today, I attended a presentation on how a large insurance company reformatted their pension statements. The presenters described their research and design process as well as the technical and production issues that they tackled along the way. Their in-house IT staff spent 4,000 hours on preparing their statement data for the transformation.

LKCS has been implementing statement marketing solutions for the past several years. We currently have the ability to incorporate targeted statement ads (onserts), personalized messages, and even Personalized URLs (PURLs) in our statements. The current industry buzz words referring to what we are doing are “TransPromo” and “Transpromotional Documents”