Account holders are far more educated now than they were in the past. Today’s consumer is more willing to shop other financial institutions and possibly switch to save on their monthly bills. Are you prepared? Are your rates and offers competitive enough? In today’s post we’ll outline ways LKCS can help you to monitor current account holders, and even find new ones.
Pre-screen credit marketing has proven to be an effective tool for financial institutions nationwide. By utilizing credit data you can easily determine which existing account holders or prospects qualify for your loan and credit card products. It’s easy to turn to your preferred credit bureau to get started. But, surprisingly, that may not be your best option.
LKCS can help you obtain loans from your account holders that aren’t contacting you! On average 5% of your customers, are looking for an Auto, Mortgage, HELOC, or credit card loan every month. Are you aware of this and what are you doing to take advantage of this? Leverage this information for Loan Growth!
Got loans? Are they the right loans? On average, 5% of your account holders are looking for an Auto, Mortgage, HELOC, or credit card loan every month. Are you aware of this and what are you doing to take advantage of this? Consider a credit-based marketing campaign with LKCS to help identify and acquire new loan opportunities.
When it comes to marketing for loans – auto loans, mortgage/home equity loans, credit card loans, and installment loans – there’s no better data source than the three major credit bureaus. Together, Experian, Equifax and TransUnion maintain over 202 million credit files, thus providing marketers with even more data for their loan marketing efforts.
Successful marketing campaigns are relevant to the recipient. They send the right message to the right person to meet a specific need. The trick is to help you identify that need and then deliver a specific offer to a qualified recipient. With pre-screen loan campaigns, you leverage data from the credit bureaus to identify specific lending opportunities that meet your credit requirements.
Electronic marketing, web sites, and social media extend your reach and enable your account holders to conduct business 24/7/365. People expect instant gratification and will do business with whoever gives that to them. Make sure you have the tools in place, such as credit alerting, to ensure that your institution is positioned to capture business 24/7/365 — not just between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.