LKCS can help you obtain loans from your account holders that aren’t contacting you! On average 5% of your customers, are looking for an Auto, Mortgage, HELOC, or credit card loan every month. Are you aware of this and what are you doing to take advantage of this? Leverage this information for Loan Growth!
LKCS works with all 3 Credit Bureaus and can assist you by using Credit Based Marketing.
Why Credit Based Marketing?
Credit Based Marketing allows you to monitor current account holders and acquire and retain profitable account holders. This is done by leveraging tri-bureau prescreen marketing data, (up to a 70% increase in loan requests utilizing all three credit bureau’s) to identify qualified new prospects, retain account holders at risk of being lost to a competitor, and increase lifetime value by pinpointing cross-selling opportunities in near real time. Gain the ability to close loans from account holders who may be defecting to your competition. Attract new loan business from non-members.
And since it is credit based, you determine what qualifications, (FICO scores, etc) the prospects require to meet the goals of your Financial Institution.
Obtain More Loans Today!
Contact LKCS today to learn more about the smartest way to acquire and retain profitable loan business. We’re very excited
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