A barcode technology called Quick Response Codes or QR Codes has been gaining popularity in the US for the last year (they’ve been in use in Europe and Japan for several years already). These QR codes embed a web address or contact information that is easily decoded by numerous “apps” installed on smart phones.
Set yourself apart with unique logoed products tied to your specific marketing initiatives. LKCS has hundreds of thousands of logoed products in our database. Most of them are typical. But some are extraordinary. And they don’t have to be expensive to be extraordinary! Let us help you find the diamonds in the rough and build a logoed product campaign that is truly memorable.
Facebook is far from a fad. It is changing how people connect with friends and family. It is changing how people learn about what’s happening around them. It is changing how people form their opinions. And it is changing how people interact with the companies they like. There are thousands of banks and credit unions with Facebook pages. Some “get it” and remain social, while some don’t.
LKCS has a lot of tools that we can put to work for you. From targeted direct mail campaigns to e-marketing solutions, statement marketing/transpromo and branch merchandising, we can help you get the most effective use out of your marketing spend. Take advantage of the economy – by doing more marketing while your competitors are riding out the storm. Here are a few things to consider.
What does that mean? We keep hearing about doing more with less. At LKCS, we believe showing a return on all marketing and advertising costs. Without this type of measurement, marketing budgets are being cut. The result is that some clients are doing less marketing and experiencing declines in business at a time when they should be doing more marketing to grow in a struggling economy.
LKCS’ DataFlex database marketing system provides extensive reporting and tracking capabilities. A financial institution client recently asked us to create reporting to demonstrate the effectiveness of their Hispanic marketing initiatives. DataFlex made it easy. LKCS utilizes a highly effective solution to identify ethnicity based on numerous factors.