Boring statements are just that – boring. What you need is a statement that endorses your message and sets your brand apart from the other candidates.

Boring statements are just that – boring. What you need is a statement that endorses your message and sets your brand apart from the other candidates.
Was your website created a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away? If you haven’t updated your website within the past few years, you need to awaken it! With how fast technology develops and updates, you need to keep your website modern.
Credit-Based Marketing comes with many great advantages. One of the biggest advantages is that you will only market to those who qualify for the campaign you are sending out.
Social media marketing provides some tremendous advantages. But, it also brings a number of significant challenges. LKCS’ Social Media Management platform adds efficiency and mitigates some of the challenges and risks involved.
LKCS is renowned for website design and development. As we continue to design and host more and more websites, we continue to bolster our other web-based solutions to offer a complete package of web services and electronic marketing options. In today’s Webinar Wednesday episode, Sid Haas discusses ways LKCS can assist your company through a variety of web services. Let our web services be your goal!
Thirty percent of the new account holders you worked so hard to get will leave if you do not reach out to them and inform and offer other services. In today’s Webinar Wednesday episode, Tim Turczyn discusses matrix mailings and ways in which LKCS can help financial institutions send a highly targeted and personalized series of direct mail pieces and emails messages to cross sell your products and services.
Consumers are much more educated than in the past and are more willing to switch to save on their monthly bills. Whether it’s an Auto, HELOC, Mortgage, or Credit Card, they will be looking. In today’s Webinar Wednesday episode, John Dudek discusses credit prospecting and alerting and ways in which LKCS can help your financial institution win the qualified loans they are looking for.