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Q1 2019: Here’s The Crazy Good Stuff You Missed.

By on March 18th, 2019 in Design

The first quarter of 2019 is just about a wrap! Can you believe it? Neither can I.

I know you’ve been busy, trying to get through your workload, attending meeting after meeting, and adding to your never-ending to-do list. It can be hard to find extra time to sit down and discover a new technology or marketing strategy that can help you reach the goals you’ve set for this year.

If that’s the case, here’s a quick round-up of helpful webinars. We’ve covered a range of topics that just might help explain a topic further or give you the key insight to make your case to the decision makers at your financial institution. Take a listen while you check emails or update your next Excel report.

Improve Your Local Search Ranking

When you need to find information quick, where do you go? Google! Everyone uses it to find all kinds of information, especially on local businesses. In fact, 76% of online searches for local businesses result in a phone call. How many phone calls are you losing because you can’t be found? Discover how improving your local search rankings can help capture those phone calls, visits and more.

Ideas to Improve Your Statement

The last time you picked up a copy of your financial institution’s statement, did you say to yourself “boy is this ugly and boring”? Maybe you weren’t that harsh. Even so, there are many options available to improve your statement’s design and put it to work as a marketing tool. Unearth the true potential of your statements with these handy ideas.

Design Your Website for a Better User Experience

Do you get all giddy and excited when your website sends one lead per month? That’s too bad, because your site can actually do so much more to connect with your target audience and get them to connect with you more often. Learn why designing around the needs of your website’s users is the path towards more conversions and goals.

Afraid To Miss Out?

These are great topics, right? The good news is, you can be notified of our upcoming webinars! Follow our Facebook page for updates.

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