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The LKCS Design Team Reveals Their Favorite Typefaces

By on October 25th, 2021 in Design

There are thousands of typefaces available for use in personal and professional projects. Some even offer a vast variety of styles and weights. So many choices, in fact, that sometimes it’s difficult to decide which to use. Sure, Helvetica and Times New Roman are safe bets. But wouldn’t you like to explore some different options?

Well, let’s get started then! I’ve asked a few LKCS designers to share their current favorite typefaces. Maybe these examples will open up new possibilities for your next project.

Current Favorite Go-To Typefaces

Oh, these were hard to narrow down to just one favorite! Newer typefaces are being introduced all the time – even as I write this. No doubt some of them might easily replace these selections.

Here are a few of the typefaces the designers mentioned they like incorporating into their work:

Futura Font Examples

Angie says:
I lean more towards sans serifs because they look clean and modern. Along with that, Futura looks very geometric, and I think that might be why it stands out to me. I like the name too!

Proxima Nova Font Example

James says:
There are a wide range of weights. It’s easy to read and looks good large or small. For the most part, kerning is very good.

Jessica says:
Proxima Nova has a strong feel to it but it’s softened with rounded letters like the lower case “a” or upper case “s”. It almost reminds me of the letters that kids trace to learn how to write. But it’s definitely not a kid’s or school font. It can be used for any type of business or design project that wants to look friendly and inviting.

Open Sans Font Example

Janet says:
I think this font is very reader friendly. I also think the lower-case letters have a bit more character (look at a and g) than some of the other fonts currently trending. There are many different weights offered with this font, which is a definite must for me when working on print projects.

Roboto Font Example

Ryan says:
I think Roboto is a good sans serif alternative to Arial. I’ve used this one on several websites for body copy and some headlines.

Alegreya Sans

Janet says:
I like this font for copy heavy text because it’s space efficient. I also think it has a friendlier, casual feel. Its slight calligraphic influence adds more visual appeal to the typeface, and I believe it helps with legibility. However, I always modify the numbers to Proportional Alignment so they all sit on the same baseline.

Montserrat Font Example

Jessica says:
Montserrat is free and really versatile. It can make a design look modern or classic depending on the font it’s paired with. It can work as a headline or as your body text thanks to the various weights it comes in. You could even use it for both elements because the weights have a distinct feel from each other.

Fun and Exciting Fonts

Although these fonts would be used sparingly, they can provide a bit of visual variety to your work. Here’s some of the top picks:

Playlist Script

Playlist Script is a very trendy font right now. You’ve seen it all over recipe and parenting blogs or on customizable mugs in Etsy stores. Still, it’s great for creating a laid back and accessible design for things like social media campaigns or event invitations. There is also an uppercase version which pairs well with the script part.

Marguaritas Font Example

Karen says:
Marguaritas is a beautiful modern calligraphic font. This is a flowy script font with stylistic swashes that smoothly transition from one letter to the next.

LHF Firehouse

Ryan says:
I’ve always been interested in old western fonts, so to create something with a similar look and feel would be fun.

Market Pro Font Example

Karen says:
The design of the Market Pro Font is inspired by a flat blush typeface with varying weights. It is unique that it can serve as a modern script typeface while also serving as a carefree typeface, such as hand lettering.

Magnolia Script

Janet says:
I think this script font is no nonsense and easy to read. There are not a lot of flourishes or swashes to distract your eye when reading. It’s designed so that each character connects nicely with the next.

Amatic Font Example

Ryan says:
I am a fan of handwritten fonts. I like Amatic’s rustic look and could see it used as a headline in an outdoors magazine or website.

Stay tuned

If you’ve enjoyed learning about some of our most admired typefaces, check back soon. I’ll post part two: The Typefaces that Drive LKCS Designers Bonkers!

Until then, be sure to try out a few of the suggestions we’ve made!

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