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How Can Your Credit Union Website Generate More Leads?

By on November 10th, 2020 in Marketing

Your website serves many purposes. It allows current members to stay connected and informed on new products, services and happenings. Your credit union’s website is also a gateway via online banking to your members accounts. It also helps potential members find you anytime, day or night.

Your website needs to be a lot of things to a wide range of people. But today we are going to focus on lead generation. Every credit union strives for growth, both in assets and in membership. Developing strategies for lead generation can benefit both KPI’s.

Typically, lead generation is the process of someone providing information about themselves in return for something valuable to that person. This is commonly called a “lead magnet”. These items of value can be anything from a promotional product to a checklist of items to consider when looking for a new home. Lead magnets should be created for a variety of audiences and buying stages. However, focusing on the products and services most important to your credit union is a great place to start.

Targeting Potential Members

Membership growth is a primary goal of most credit union marketers. Creating lead magnets for this audience could be something as simple as adding a very short form on all pages of your website. This allows visitors to quickly ask questions and potentially start that personal relationship with your credit union.

Creating resources on what to look for in a financial institution could also be of interest to this audience. Once the visitors provide their information and gives consent to contact them, you could occasionally follow up with them. Nudging them closer and closer until they convert and become a member.

Targeting Existing Members

Acquiring new membership is one of the most difficult endeavors and potentially the most expensive task. You could argue that, targeting existing members is more cost effective with the potential for significant increases in assets. Existing members already have an expectation of products and services. The likely hood that they will return to you for other financial services is high, but not certain.

You can increase that probability by creating lead magnets specifically for them. Perhaps you have a specific page or pages that you only distribute in member communications, like email messages. Or links that are only available in online banking and mobile apps. These resources could generally be the same but, because members would be downloading these items they could be worded differently.

The Challenge

Creating content for lead magnets can be challenging. But one thing is certain, it needs to be valuable to the member or potential member. If they provide you with personal information about themselves, and in return get something they do not see value in, they will lose trust in your credit union.

So, put in the work and create amazing content, doing so now will benefit your credit union for years to come. Once set up, these lead magnets will work to increase lead generation 24/7.

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