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Fixing Your Financial Institution’s Online Listings

By on June 22nd, 2022 in Marketing

Claiming your bank or credit union’s online listings can have a positive impact on your brand reputation and SEO rankings. Online listings are places where you list your business’ name, address, and phone number information. Sites such as Google My Business, Bing, or Yelp, are just a couple to get started with. However, the more sites you can claim your listings and add the right information to, the better for your Local SEO rankings.

Impact on Local SEO

What search engines are looking for is consistency among your local citations, which include any online mention of your

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone Number

It can also filter down to having the correct

  • Hours of Operation
  • Categorization
  • Description
  • Tagline
  • Links to Social Media
  • Images

When all of this starts to match each other and draw a clearer more trustworthy picture about your branch location or website, that sends a good signal to Google that your financial institution is valid. That’s a location they’ll want to trust and show prominently in their search results.

Problems arise when there are too many inconsistencies between listings and trying to manage it all to stay consistent.

If you’re displaying old, outdated information like an old phone number or even a phone number from another branch, that can erode trust. If you’ve moved locations and some listings are displaying the old address still, that can cause problems too.

Users can also submit their own information about your listings that’s overriding the correct information you want. Duplicate listings might exist on the same site that are conflicting with each other.

These types of issues are all bad for user experience. You don’t want your account holders to call an old phone number. So, you’ll want to take steps to fix it.

Fixing Online Listings

It can take time to make sure your listings are all correct. For starters, what sites do you even start fixing? How do you know where the duplicates are?

There are tools available which can help simplify the process and save you time. Our free tool will scan various sites to see how consistent your branch listings are. Fill out your branch’s location information and it will give you a report showing you where there are issues. If you have more than one branch, make sure you select the option for a Multi-Location Business so it can take that into consideration.

You can now use the report to help you dive in and get these corrected one site at a time.

Extra Help

If you don’t have time to fix and monitor these listings one by one, our Local Listings Management Tool will sync each of your branches with the sites listed and begin automatically pushing out the right data from one trusted source – which is us.

The sites we have direct connections with have their own network of websites that will begin picking up the new data and updating. So, it goes further than the sites we list.

The tool will also detect duplicate listings that we can notify the directories to suppress.

Any time you have an update, for instance to your hours of operation or phone number, you can tell us, and we’ll get that updated for you.

Contact us for a free demo of our Local Listings Management Tool to see if it’s the right solution for your bank or credit union.