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Congressional Federal Credit Union’s New Website Now In Session

By on November 1st, 2016 in News

Congressional Federal Credit Union selected LKCS to design and implement a new responsive web site to better serve their members. The new site provides tremendous capabilities and easy to use site management tools.


On July 9, 1953, eight congressional employees formed the credit union that would later become Congressional Federal Credit Union with just $40 in deposits. From humble beginnings in a single desk drawer in the Longworth House Office Building, Congressional Federal CU has grown into a full-service financial institution of over 46,000 members across the country and around the world.

Over the years, Congressional Federal has been committed to helping the people who serve on Capitol Hill achieve their financial goals. CFCU understands that to accomplish their goals and serve their members, they must continue their commitment to their members through consistently improving products and services while providing the latest technology to their members. Their most recent improvement was updating the CFCU website.

CFCU’s objective with the website was to improve the effectiveness of the organization’s marketing and address deficiencies with their old site. CFCU wanted a fresh, contemporary look that improved brand identity and with a responsive interface.

Congressional Federal Credit Union teamed up with LKCS, a leading financial marketing agency, to provide their members with the best online experience possible. CFCU wanted their new website to simplify navigation, support marketing initiatives, and provide relevant, easy-to-find information. Additionally, CFCU envisioned the site educating their members and potential members through articles, blogs, videos, and calculators.

LKCS accepted the challenge and designed a brand new website for Congressional Federal that exceeded their goals by addressing several other issues including, ongoing site maintenance and ease of use.

“From the outset, LKCS has been a great partner for Congressional Federal,” said Robert Miller
VP, Marketing. “They took the time to understand the strategy behind our new brand positioning and used that knowledge to design a site that captures the essence of our brand and our market. The feedback from our members and employees about the new site has been very positive and much of that success can be attributed to LKCS.”

LKCS provided a simple, clean homepage with a more visually appealing navigation for CFCU while giving the credit union several new tools for easy editing. CFCU staff now have the ability to modify all website content, text, images, add or delete pages, automatically track content changes, and improve search engine optimization with ease and without any programming experience. Web site revisions are made through the Sitefinity Content Management System. LKCS is proud to be recognized as an award winning Sitefinity Partner.

CFCU controls which home page banners are displayed through LKCS’ Banner Manager tool. This allows CFCU to add, remove, pause, and schedule home page banners with an easy drag and drop back-end. A Rate Manager tool was included to allow credit union staff to edit all of their deposit and loan rates from one location. The Banner Manager and Rate Manager are a small part of LKCS’ Tool Suite. This set of tools allow financial institutions to quickly and easily make many of their day-to-day website changes, while meeting the needs for financial compliance.

The new website also provides a better mobile experience. LKCS integrated a responsive web design that allows mobile users to use the new website from any size tablet, phone, or laptop. The site will automatically reformat web content to adjust appropriately to any device’s screen resolution.

The newly launched Congressional Federal CU website can be found at:

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