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Color Statements: Smart & Economical Advertising for Banks & Credit Unions

By on May 10th, 2018 in Statements

Color attracts attention and communicates your message better than black and white alone. Allow your offer to stand out and make your brand shine. Until now, the increased cost for full color has made this option too expensive to be used for most statements. But, the cost of color has dropped significantly in recent years.

Every month you mail out statements to your account holders. Wouldn’t it be great to include targeted, full color ads on these statements? Stretch your marketing budget by using the statement postage to get your marketing messages delivered. Consider these transpromo statement marketing messages:

  • Personalized onserts
  • Credit based marketing offers
  • Use different mini newsletters to targeted groups
  • Branch specific messaging

Improve your marketing results without breaking your budget!

Adding full color to your statements will increase your statement processing cost by only around 15%. You would spend more than this if you print a couple of generic inserts to include with your statements. Instead, print these messages directly on your statements and improve your marketing results.

Since no preprinted statement forms are required, you don’t need to worry about forms becoming obsolete. You can even make your statements more fun and change them with the seasons.

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