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If you checked your car or desk right now, how many promotional items do you think you would find? Probably more than you think. From your pens, coffee mugs, water bottles, notepads, to your calendar, who doesn’t like getting free stuff?

DataFlex: What’s New

By on October 19th, 2017 in Marketing

Earlier this year we upgraded our DataFlex platform to take advantage of ever-increasing software technology and browser capabilities. Although most of the updates are “under the hood”, there are some other more visible enhancements that I would like to take some time to discuss.

Email marketing, when used correctly is one of the most effective marketing channels. You can deliver your message to any size audience in a matter of seconds. But with that great power does come some great responsibility.

Your brand is the single most important investment you can make in your business. Your brand should promote your business, connect with your customer base and make you stand out in the market.

We’ve expanded our capabilities numerous times over time and continue to add more data points and categories that can be examined. The more areas of investigation that we add to DataFlex, the more details and trends that credit unions can study.

Banks and Credit Unions have turned out to be among the most enthusiastic users of digital signage, and it benefits both the financial institution and those it serves.

Benefits of the Newsletter

By on December 1st, 2016 in Marketing

For many decades, the newsletter has been a powerful marketing tool. The first newsletters were distributed mainly by financial institutions offering advice on investing and money issues.