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Beginners: 4 Best Practices for Creating Online Ads

By on November 30th, 2020 in Marketing

If you are just starting out with online advertising on sites like Google, Bing or Facebook, there are a couple of things you’ll want to keep in mind when creating your ads. These 4 pieces of an ad campaign can work together to deliver results for your bank or credit union.

Ad Copy

The ad copy you write needs to stand out from your competition and be related to what your users are searching for. You’ll want to keep the message of the ad relevant to what they need.

This starts by finding the keywords people are searching for and you would like to appear for. You should use these keywords in your ad copy. If your ad is about auto loans, mention auto loans and key points that make your loans stand out from others.

Make sure your ads are grouped together with the right keywords. We shouldn’t see your mortgage ad appear for auto loan searches.

Run Multiple Ads

Your ad campaign should be set to run more than one ad variation at once. At the minimum have 2 or 3 versions of your ad running. Platforms like Google and Bing will choose which ads to run and you can see which perform better. Then you can create better ads based on those results.

Best Landing Page

All traffic coming from your ads should be directed to the most relevant page on your website. Too often, new advertisers will send all of their traffic to the home page, which will not be as effective as hoped. If your ad is talking about auto loans, send users to your auto loans page.

If it looks like your current landing page isn’t driving results, look at making changes to it, or create a custom landing page. You can create pages which only your paid audiences can access and is geared towards their specific needs at the moment they are searching.

Financial Regulations

There are rules in advertising for banks and credit unions. Many of them pass along to online ads as well. However, with the shorter amount of text space in online ads, you can’t necessarily fit all of the fine print that is traditionally needed. Therefore, you need to make sure your ad copy isn’t misleading. Follow general compliance and common practices when it comes to mentioning rates or offers and keep it simple. Your website is where you can spell out the details that are needed to meet regulation standards.