Use an Easy Header Image
Having a block of text to explain an offer or advert is often the most straight-forward way to get a point across. Sadly, it will probably not be the most effective. With the short attention span of the average user on the web, these sorts of things often get skipped entirely. As the internet has dubbed it: TLDR (Too Long, Didn’t Read). The first job of any advertisement or post on your website is to get the audience invested in it. If what you’re sharing seems like it won’t be worth the time spent to digest it, then it will be shamelessly skipped and forgotten by the user. Presenting in video format is a great way to get the user invested right off the bat. Yes, maybe you’re presenting the same amount of content, but it’s not laid out before them in full. It’s far less intimidating than the alternatives.
Use a Simple Header Image
One of the easiest ways to convey a complex idea is to visually show the audience. Demonstration videos can be a great way to both advertise something and save your team time. If there is a product or service that your team ends up having to explain often to the users, then this type of video could be invaluable.
Use a Humor Header Image
Often times, personality and intention can be lost in something that is simply textual. With care, it can be done, but it is much more difficult than with audio and video cues where inflection and expression can be added. So take advantage of that in your videos. Make something that sticks with the viewer and makes them feel more attached to your brand.
Use a Memorable Header Image
Videos are a great way to make something memorable and fun for the user. This content has a much better chance to make an impact and stick with them. Take time to carefully craft the script for your videos so that it is impactful to the target audience. Good planning goes a very long way when putting together this kind of media. Storyboarding is a great way to start piecing together and brainstorming for what the visual cues will be throughout the video. Don’t be shy about doing this if you are not the best at illustration. Even simple drawings can be an extremely helpful place to start.
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