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Direct Mail Reponse Rates Climb

By on November 15th, 2010 in Mail

Web and e-mail marketing were going to make direct mail obsolete. Weren’t they?

As it turns out, electronic marketing has caused a large drop in the volume of direct mail over the last decade (just ask the US Postal Service). Due to the decrease in direct mail, marketers have seen that their mail doesn’t compete with as many other pieces in the mail box. As a result, direct mail response rates are climbing. At the same time, due to overuse, e-mail response rates are declining.

According to Direct Marketing News Magazine, some marketers have found direct mail to be “the best performer: up 150% vs. last year wtih no significant changes in strategy”. The obsolete channel is infact outperforming e-marketing channels (including social media).

What Does This Mean for Direct Mail?

Direct mail is far from dead – especially with today’s advanced one to one marketing capabilities. Smart marketers continue to personalize their mailings and use high quality data sources to make each mail piece more relevant to the recipient.With regards to our services LKCS recommends that our clients use direct mail in conjunction with electronic marketing efforts – use them both in combination for the best results overall.

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