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When it comes to marketing for loans – auto loans, mortgage/home equity loans, credit card loans, and installment loans – there’s no better data source than the three major credit bureaus. Together, Experian, Equifax and TransUnion maintain over 202 million credit files, thus providing marketers with even more data for their loan marketing efforts.

Got Loans? Credit Based Marketing

By on January 22nd, 2014 in Marketing

Credit Based Marketing allows you to monitor current account holders and acquire and retain profitable ones. In today’s Webinar Wednesday episode, our Vice-President of Sales John Dudek provides insight on credit-based marketing, and how utilizing data from the 3 credit bureaus can help financial institutions identify and acquire new loans.

Successful marketing campaigns are relevant to the recipient. They send the right message to the right person to meet a specific need. The trick is to help you identify that need and then deliver a specific offer to a qualified recipient. With pre-screen loan campaigns, you leverage data from the credit bureaus to identify specific lending opportunities that meet your credit requirements.

Direct Mail Marketing Works!

By on November 15th, 2013 in Marketing

Consumers are hit with hundreds of messages on any given day! How do you grab the attention of your prospects? Direct mail enables you to communicate on a personalized one-to-one basis, generating significantly higher response rates than generic mail pieces. LKCS offers high quality printing and mailing services – giving you a one-stop solution for your direct mail promotions.

With pre-screen loan campaigns, your financial institution leverages data from the credit bureaus to identify specific lending opportunities from individuals that meet your credit requirements, targeting either your existing account holders or prospective account holders living in the communities that you serve. Learn more about the power of pre-screen credit prospecting campaigns in this presentation.

Being active on social media, or social media marketing, is the process of using social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, to engage both new and current account holders. This engagement has the potential to generate a lot of value for financial institutions! LKCS can assist you in leveraging the true potential of social media.

If you are not leading the online conversation about your institution, or in some way active in it, then you’re leaving it to others to do so on your behalf… and that can be scary! Using social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, to engage both new and current account holders has the potential to generate a lot of value for financial institutions!