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Achieve Great Results with Multi-Channel Marketing!

By on October 17th, 2016 in Marketing

Account holders like to have the ability to choose what appeals to them, and multi-channel marketing gives them exactly that. With multi-channel marketing, your promotion or campaign uses several, specially selected channels that fit your needs and your account holders.

Did you know that multi-channel consumers spend three to four times more than single-channel consumers? Well now you do! And if you want those numbers for yourself, you want LKCS on your team.

Utilizing different channels gives you greater exposure and provides a wide variety of opportunities to attract members. Those members then get to choose how they take action based on which channels appeal to them.

Let us be the one source that broadcasts your message through multiple channels:

  • Transpromo Statements
  • Banner ads
  • Social media posts
  • Web pages
  • Inserts or onserts
  • Targeted direct mail promotions
  • T-shirts and other logoed products