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Eight Types of Print Materials for Maximizing Your Marketing

By on May 20th, 2024 in Print

In an era where digital marketing is often at the forefront of strategy, the tangible impact of print marketing materials certainly shouldn’t be overlooked. For marketing professionals, incorporating a mix of printed materials into your overall strategy can enhance brand visibility and engage much wider audiences.

Here are some staggering statistics* to consider:

  • 80% of printed material is read by the customer.
  • 84% of people say they understand and retain information better when they read it in print.
  • 79% of consumers act on direct mail marketing immediately.
  • 56% of consumers trust print marketing more than any other marketing channel.

If you’ve been advertising solely through digital channels, consider this: your campaigns and promotions can generate impressive returns on investment when print marketing is added to the mix. Here are eight popular print materials to consider:

1. Flyers and Posters

Flyers and posters are versatile tools designed to capture attention quickly and effectively.
A flyer is often the preferred media for promoting sales or special events. The added benefit to flyers is they can easily be converted into larger poster sizes. Want to expand your marketing promotion even further? Consider using the same poster elements for an office banner or outdoor billboard.

Marketing Example: A financial institution’s flyer for a special rate auto loan can be printed and inserted into the local newspaper. That same flyer can be modified and used to advertise in the drive-thru lanes. Within the offices, the flyer information and graphics can be enlarged to poster or banner size and positioned for prime viewing within frames or other displays.

2. Direct Mail Campaigns

Direct mail involves sending printed promotional materials—like postcards, letters, catalogs, and flyers—directly to a target audience through postal delivery. Direct mail is perfect for reaching specific demographics in certain locations. The best direct mail appeals to the preferences and needs of the recipients and can help you generate leads, drive sales, or increase brand awareness.

Personalized letters sent directly to your target audience’s homes or offices statistically perform better than digital advertising. A unique, highly personalized message can grab your prospect’s attention and compel them to act.

Marketing Example: A retail brand sends a thank you letter for a recent purchase and includes a custom code or coupon for 10% off the customer’s next purchase.

3. Postcards

A postcard is a simple, cost-effective tool for delivering shorter marketing messages or to introduce a new product or service. Since these mail pieces are not hidden within envelopes, their messages and offers can be noticed quickly. Standard postcard size is 6×4 inches, which qualifies for a lower postage rate compared to standard letters.

Marketing Example: A new business is ready to advertise their Grand Opening. The owner first sends out a Save the Date postcard giving notice to the public of the upcoming event. It might tease a special promotion or giveaway for this one-time event. Closer to the actual opening day, another postcard will be mailed out as a follow-up reminder. The content of this postcard will build on the excitement and anticipation of opening day and give the recipients more details.

4. Promotional Products

Branded items such as koozies, tote bags, or calendars increase brand recognition and loyalty. They are given away to current or potential customers and are a popular enticement at conferences and trade shows. With thousands of items to choose from, promotional products also make great customer appreciation or retirement gifts. The simple addition of your company logo and phone number or website ensures your name will be in the hands and on the minds of your customers well after you interact with them.

Marketing Example: A company wants to attract attention to their space at an industry tradeshow. Since hundreds of competitors will also be in attendance, they came prepared! Their table was covered with a branded tablecloth and several smaller logoed products such as stylus pens and USB drives were placed on top. They added a high-impact pop up display as their focal point and successfully set their business apart from the rest!

5. Newsletter

Printed newsletters offer valuable content beyond just advertisements. By consistently delivering valuable insights, analysis, or industry news, newsletters can establish the sender as an authority or thought leader in their field, further enhancing brand reputation.

For companies targeting local communities, newsletters provide an excellent way to establish a local connection. They can highlight local events, news, or businesses, fostering a sense of community and belonging.

Marketing Example: A credit union sends a monthly newsletter to subscribers sharing tips on how to fund summer home and landscaping projects. A small flower is hidden somewhere within the newsletter and becomes a contest for viewers to find. One successful spotter is chosen for a prize they can pick up at the credit union.

6. Inserts

Smaller printed marketing materials inserted into other print materials like magazines, bills, or newspapers are a great way to sneak your marketing promotions into where they might not be expected. A standard size insert measures 3.5” x 8.5” so it’s the perfect size to fit within a business envelope with regular correspondence. Because of their smaller size, inserts are also great handouts or can be left on the counter for interested customers to pick up.

Marketing Example: A real estate agent can utilize an insert for a short bio highlighting qualifications with a photo and contact information to hand out at open houses. The second side of the insert can contain a testimonial from a satisfied homeowner or list other upcoming open houses the agent has scheduled.

7. Envelope Backers

The back side of an envelope is a prime location to add an element of surprise and include your own personal touch. Marketers can utilize just the flap area or expand their message to include the rest of the space as well. Coordinate the backer design to complement the contents of the enclosed document(s) or use the space for important reminders.

Marketing Example: A non-profit agency includes an impactful image or request related to their cause on the backs of fundraising letter envelopes. This same image is also included on the letter and used as the element that ties all the other marketing materials together.

8. Statement Onserts

Not to be confused with inserts, these small ads or notices are included within the actual billing or account summary statement, usually somewhere at the top or bottom of the page. An onsert will be a certain fixed size, depending on the data that is included and what space your data processor will allow for ads. A 7.5” x 2” ad size or smaller 3.75” x 2.6” size works well with most statements. The onsert’s interesting design guarantees visibility of your message over regular statement data.

Marketing Example: A financial institution offers a special credit card rate for select account holders they have determined may qualify for the rate. This is posted only on onsert ads placed on the statements for this select group.


Print materials offer a tactile dimension to your marketing strategy that digital cannot replicate, enhancing the customer’s connection with your brand. By creatively integrating these eight types of print materials into your campaigns, you’re not only broadening its reach but also deepening the impact of your marketing efforts. Remember, the key to success lies in crafting messages that resonate with your target audience and aligning them with the right print medium to maximize their effectiveness.

If you would like help expanding your marketing to any of these print materials, contact LKCS today. Call 815.223.0391 Monday through Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm or visit

*Statistic reference: