Having a block of text to explain an offer or advert is often the most straight-forward way to get a point across. Sadly, it will probably not be the most effective. With the short attention span of the average user on the web, these sorts of things often get skipped entirely. As the internet has dubbed it: TLDR (Too Long, Didn’t Read).
Was your website created a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away? If you haven’t updated your website within the past few years, you need to awaken it! With how fast technology develops and updates, you need to keep your website modern.
To buy, to contact, or join; whatever the purpose is, the user needs to take action in order for that process to complete. Call to action buttons or CTAs play a big role in this process. But often times they fall short of doing their job because they are misused or not used at all. CTAs need to be prominent on the page. It should be very clear what is going to happen when a user taps or clicks on the button. People fail at testing different words and colors. Creating CTAs that work can potentially help your website live up to its purpose.
Summer travel reminds me of family vacations when I was young, especially when I see a buffet. I recall as kids, we never had much say in where we dined when we were on a road trip. Money was tight so we skimped on most meals, but at dinner time dad always managed to find a Smorgasbord (aka: all-you-can-eat buffet). I guess he figured we would never go to bed hungry!
LKCS is renowned for website design and development. As we continue to design and host more and more websites, we continue to bolster our other web-based solutions to offer a complete package of web services and electronic marketing options. E-Mail Hosting – We can host a few mailboxes or a few hundred with options from secure…
Yes. The world of the web is no longer exclusively accessible from the ergonomic office chairs of years past. With the price of technology decreasing and the ever-increasing sense of urgency around the world, the internet is more accessible than ever.
Many factors go into creating a great website. The most important of these is creating one that is easy to navigate. Thinking about the layout and how a viewer will interact with the site is central to creating an experience that is enjoyable.